Monday, December 4, 2017


ISLAM AND THE ENVIRONMENTILHAM HAMID, S.AG, MPD.IMAKASSAR SOUTH SULAWESIMa'asyiral Muslimin rahimakumullah.In recent years, we have witnessed a number of disasters occurring in our beloved country and almost override all regions of Indonesia, whether occurring in the sea, land or in the air. Starting from floods, earthquakes, landslides,droughts, fires and so on.The question then is whether the disaster is God's will? Or said Ebiet G. Ade, whether nature has been reluctant to make friends with us?Ma'asyiral Muslimin rahimakumullah.Disaster will not just happen. Allah will not be arbitrary to dispel nature to churn. Some factors of disaster occurrence include: First; wrong view of nature. A secular view in Europe that views nature as an object that must be exploited for the benefit and comfort of humans. Syyed Hosen Nasr, one of Iran's leading Islamic thinkers, claimed that the influence of secularism had diminished the spiritual dimension of Western life. Nature is then seen as commercial sex workers (PSK), just enjoyed as much without love and responsibility. As a result, nature suffers from time to time because of the human greed that has no love, affection and responsibility for its sustainability. This is certainly different from the religious perspective. In Surah Al-Baqarah [2]: 30): religion views man as God's "representative" on Earth, who is in charge of prospering the earth (Hud verse 61)Ma'asyiral Muslimin rahimakumullah ...In addition, the view of nature as an object for human exploitation is not appropriateby understanding the teachings of Islam which explains that all creatures of God exalt Allah including the universe In the Hadith narrated Abu Hurairah, from the Prophet: In fact once an ant bite one of the Prophet. The Prophet then ordered to go to the ant's nest and burn it. But then Allah sends a revelation to him: "Is it only because an ant bites you then you will destroy a people who always read tasbih? (Muslim)The concept of life as mentioned above has been introduced by Prof. Dr. Harun Nasution in his book Rational Islam introduces a term which he calls "perikemakhlukan", which means to be affectionate to nature, animals, and plants.This perikemakhlukan article is based on the verses of Al-Qur'an Surat Al-An'am verse 38 which reads: "And there are no animals in the earth and birds that fly with both wings, but the people (also) like you." In an applicative form, this perikemakhlukan principle is reflected in several Hadiths of the Prophet saw the essence of a woman binds his cat and then does not feed the beast, he will go to hell in the hereafter, but on the contrary, the wicked woman who gives drink to the dog who will die of thirst will be forgiven his sins by God.Prof. Quraish Syihab also states, humans are required to distribute grace to the whole of nature, nature is anything but God. This means that he must be friendly with nature and must give the opportunity to achieve the goal of his creation. He must also respect the growing processes and is required to not only think of himself, his group or even his kind, but everything that is in this world. This commitment is very much needed by our people in the effort to maintain and preserve the environment and nature. Trees and plants should be preserved, let alone in a peaceful atmosphere, in the war time it is forbidden to cut them down except with the permission of Allah, in the sense must be in line with the purpose of creation and for the benefit.Thus, human beings, especially Muslims, are required not only to be negligent or arrogant to God's creation, but also to notice what the owner of Allah (Allah) is concerned about his creation. That is why, in religious ethics, it is forbidden to pick flowers before they develop. Use of water is prohibited. Waste should be prevented even if it is in good. Most of the wudlu members are washed three times each time, even if you are in a flowing river, the message of the Prophet. Bekaitan with view above it is clear that the universe and this environment can be maintained and maintained is dependent on the way we carry out the mandate as caliph, that is to prosper this nature.Conversely, natural disasters occur is due to the actions, actions and actions of humans themselves that destroy nature. Such actions are called by the religious facade, the actions that cause harm, disharmony and imbalance.Ma'asyiral Muslimin rahimakumullah.The second factor because of the emergence of natural disasters is the result of luxurious living. Luxury life makes people forget the land,
then indulge his lust. Use the term aji while doing whatever you want. More fatal when done by people who are given the power to hold office. So this bias gave birth to the dictator ala Pharaoh and Namrudz. The third factor is, the consequences of sin and immoral guilt. Sin and immorality are mushrooming everywhere, leading people to the valley of destruction as the word of God in Surat al-An'am [6]: 6. Finally, will we wait for the nation and the present generation to perish first due to their sin and immorality ? Then wait for the next generation, then grow a good generation? The answer is certainly not, as long as now all the sinners and maksiat immediately repent.Ma'asyiral Muslimin rahimakumullah ... From the above description can be concluded, that the hopes and ideals to create a cool, clean and green environment is our duty and responsibility together. Violation of ethics and Islamic law on the environment will lead to a prolonged environmental crisis, resulting in natural disasters and calamities everywhere because of the actions, actions and actions of humans themselves that damage nature.

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